Cujo von Stephen King

9 €

+ Versand ab 4,50 €
24582 Schleswig-Holstein - Bordesholm
  • Art Krimis & Thriller
  • Zustand Neu


Ohne Mängel:)
- Englische Sprache

Cujo used to be a big friendly dog, lovable and loyal to his trinity (THE MAN, THE WOMAN, and
THE BOY) and everyone around him, and always
did his best to not be a BAD DOG. But that all ends on the day this nearly two-
hundred-pound Saint Bernard makes the mistake of chasing a rabbit into a hidden
underground cave, setting offa tragic chain of events. Now Cujo is no longer himself
as he is slowly overcome by a growing sickness, one that consumes his mind even as
his once affable thoughts turn uncontrollably and inexorably to hatred and murder.
Cujo is about to become the center of a horrifying vortex that will inescapably draw
in everyone around him- a relentless reign of terror, fury, and madness from which
no one in Castle Rock will truly be safe. . .

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